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How fast Are YOU Ageing:  Why not find out!





The Most adavnaced Ageing assesment test available


Measure Age?

Aging is cellular loss of function. 

In longevity research, we track molecular markers that have been correlated with that aging process. While your chronological age will always progress at a fixed rate, biological age can show a summary of how a person’s lifestyle choices and behaviors are affecting their body.

We don’t all age in the same way, at the same rate.

Accelerated Aging is the #1 risk factor for most major chronic diseases.

With TruAge PACE, you can measure your epigenetic age acceleration, and use our reports as a reference point to begin tracking how your lifestyle changes are affecting your aging at a molecular level. 

We measure aging, so you can more effectively manage it. 


Pace of Aging?

TruAge PACE is a biological pace of aging test that focuses on short-term changes in methylation that translate into long-term impacts to health. It acts like a speedometer for aging, where values above 1 are 'accelerated aging' and below 1 are 'slowed aging.'

The primary algorithm offered in PACE is the Dunedin Pace of Aging algorithm (DunedinPACE) - developed over 50 years and trained on longitudinal phenotypic data. Dr. Eileen Crimmons in USC evaluated DunedinPACE, and found it was the most predicative age-related biomarker for health consequences.

Short Term Testing

Because of the high precision, and significance of small changes, you can retest frequently.  Watch your rate of aging change in response to lifestyle changes, and figure out what changes work best for you.

We recommend 3 months between tests.

Of all aging clocks, DunedinPACE offers the highest ICC value, across the board. It is the most reliably consistant and reproducable.




TruAge Diagnostic

    +44 020 7733 7077
    Kingston, United Kingdom
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